workshops, SanFrancisco 07 2004, day1 |

Shut up and listen day 1

name: James Grieshaber
location: elevator
text: introduce yourself, we never talk, etc.
summary of message: creating interaction between strangers

name: Colin Kahn
location: California/Grant
text: tba
summary of message: awareness of the interplay of graphic elements on the street?

name: Megan O'Connell
location: tba
text: am I in my text or [out]
summary of message: Invitation to pedestrians to create texts using rubbings as a medium.

name: Richard Chang
location: virtual chair
text: sit here
summary of message: take a break / breaktime

name: Katharina Broeckelmann
location: leaves in the city
text: Air
summary of message: to show that trees provides oxygen, humans can't survive without nature.

name: Piper Murakami
location: dollar bill
text: quotes from George Washington
summary of message: Point out the political irony/difference between 200 years ago and now

name: Omid Rashidi
text: Animals are such agreeable friends. they ask no questions–pass nocritism..
summary of message: donkeys (love) elephants.

name: Anna Wilson
location: chainlink fence in industrial area
text: wilderness
summary of message: humans negative impact on the natural world

name: Sarah Lindsey
location: ?
text: ?
summary of message: ?

name: Martine Workman
location: tiny meter windows
text: various texts: hi there, thank you, you are cute, etc.
summary of message: acknowledge the people who interact with these small spaces/objects.

name: WinSee Woo
location: Highway
text: Plant a tree
summary of message: Driving cars warms the globe - plant a tree

name: Benjamine Morrison
location: gutters on the street
text: parts of the patriot act
summary of message: text is dissapearing in the gutters...

name: Terence McKeown
location: 4th + Market St
text: (Hello, I am) part of ...
summary of message: To provoke thought regarding personal identity and our connections to others.

name: Dennis Pasco
location: tv-screen alike platforms (a bus window, store windows etc.)
text: life—better than television
summary of message: Real life is more real than reality tv.

name: Audrey Kallander
location: Mission from Embarcadero to First St.
text: to be determined (see below)
summary of message: people walking faster will get a different meaning or content from the text, than people walking more slowly.

name: Ed Hsiu
location: Tiffany's, questionable businesses
text: blood money
summary of message: to expose the corruption behind certain businesses.

name: Seungmi Louis
location: shopping mall
text: can't stop spen ding
summary of message: to help people realize how much they unnecessary spend with their credit card.

name: Michelle Estrin
location: crowded downtown. beach.
text: front of body: notice me. back of body: something just happened between you and i.
summary of message: to notice the second of human contact.

name: Julie Park
location: park (or anywhere with bird shit)
text: pigeon poop?
summary of message: ?

name: Boramee Seo
location: ?
text: ?
summary of message: slow food?

4 comments so far:
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, please do comment
Bas -- Tuesday, July 13 2004, 04:28 am Question marks, question marks, why are there questions marks?
Katharina -- Wednesday, July 14 2004, 02:25 am Awesome!
Elizabeth -- Wednesday, July 14 2004, 05:54 pm I'm really interested in Michelle's idea of drawing awareness to those around us; as a transplanted New Yorker, it's especially evident that we don't really acknowledge the fact that we're surrounded by millions of people every day... I will definitely keep checking back to see your progress!
Just one thing: your text should (grammatically) state, "something just happened between you and ME," because the preposition references the direct objects (you and me.) Sorry about the grammar fascism...
j. -- Friday, July 16 2004, 06:22 am is this jeopardy? if these are the answers, what are the questions?
