shop lettering basic info : thoughts and ideas : presentation half way : Assignment Take an existing shop in Helsinki and in Lahti and make a new lettering for these shops. For the window, or for a plate outside. Maybe he even needs a new text to promote his company? Make him sell more with your type. Process Our groups assignment was a bit different from the others since we had to do two projects during the two weeks where the others were working on only one. In Helsinki the project was some what a learning experience, we went to several shops that were ugly and found out that the people in the stores werenÍt interested in getting a free design suggestion for their window. In Helsinki we spent the first three days contemplating on which place we should choose and that turned out to be a mistake. We ended up re-designing the Cafe Visual, where we found a shopkeeper that spoke only vietnamese. We finished in the next two days, after fiddling around with pens and papers. Next week in Lahti started with the expectation that we can probably do the thing better. We decided not to spend so much time on walking around in the coldness but just start working, anyway, we had to be finished by Wednesday. This time we were happy to find Maustemesta spiceshop where the owner was polite and interested. So, Monday and Tuesday were the days of pens and a lot of paper. On Wednesday, a quick scanning then working on the letterforms and finishing. On Thursday we went back to the shop where the owner judged our work. He didnÍt have too much to say, just that it was all nice. His wife preferred Jan's work saying that it was the spiciest and most effective. Final solution Our group managed to finish the assigned two shopwindows, each in about two days but not without problems. Actually, the problems built up so that one person in the group decided to quit. We found out that making a handmade logotype as a group can be very hard, especially when there's only two days for it. As a result, everyone ended up making their own propositions since just doing the sketches does take more than few hours. The biggest problem was that the people in the group had very differing ideas of the assignment and the course. Some had an idea that the handmade logo could be rather free in form, others thought that the letters could look more like existing typefaces. Some had expected the course to be more basic typography, some more experimental. Also the way the shopkeepers reacted to our proposition of free design in Helsinki was suprising to us. Their lame interest and negative attitude wasn't exactly encouraging. Maybe we chose a bit too undesigned and careless places in the first place. In Lahti we succeeded in this task much better which made the whole process easier. As a conclusion the group feels that we learned not only things about handmade typo but also about working as a group. Of course the handmade, fine-tuned typography can be seen now with a new pair of eyes and maybe there is more respect for it from now on!
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