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workshops, Eindhoven 10 2007, assignment

basic info

day 1 : day 2 - final results

Zigzag Zombie
Keep folding material until lettering is finished

First the zigzag:
Take one long piece of material, and make letters by endlessly folding the material. Material can be anything: rolls of paper (easy for sketching), tape, thin metal, toilet paper, thin cardboard, etc. as long as it is long, and as long as you can fold it. Keep sketching and experimenting, and try to find different ways of creating letters with your material. Create a strong, outspoken, unique style.

Then the zombie:
Once you have found your specific visual style of lettering, go to the city, pick one location, and create a large scale zigzag lettering and make passerby's hallucinate.

This typeworkshop runs for 2 days during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven.

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