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workshops, Rovaniemi 12 2003, daily

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daily impression/final result

day 1 : day 2 : day 3 : day 4   final result LED-group : Biggest group : Face-the-light group


May we introduce a brand new type named 'Ben-Dover'. Ben is a member of La Famiglia called sans serif (-una offerta che nessuno pu— dire no.) Their roots have been traced way back in the nineteenth century england where the first member of sans serif family was born. Ben, you're looking at now (call me Pena), is a bastard son of a group of confused art students in Rovaniemi.

Ben is a bit heavily built character, but his mass guarantees there's no tougher guy in Rovaniemi. Ben is the biggest! (-I'm gonna whoop your ass!). Yet Ben is round, sympathetic and friendly he just, like most finns, needs some personal space. There is nothing delicate in Ben so let him come out big! Give him some room, fellas!!!

You can also view the end result in this PDF. However, all the texts are 'live' typed. This can't be seen on the static photos, therefore here is a little movie (1,6 MB) which gives an impression of the reality.

   picture 4 of 6

1 comments so far: read comments , please do comment
donald beekman -- Thursday, December 18 2003, 01:33 pm
hi everyone GOODPOINT: of coarse it had to be LEDs, and only LEDS! i am impressed how elegant the font looks, despite its limitations (dots). really excellent work! i would love to see some Caps too! BENDOVER: sehr sehr cool, i like how the letters bend around the building and change shape when projected! interesting thickness changes within the characters. Very curious how the caps would look too! RENESANS: very nice font indeed, subtle. especially considering the struggle you have had with the concept. it is a beautiful font, i can easily see it used in airport sliding doors. hope you will keep on designing fonts! good luck! donald beekman - [DBXL] http://www.dbxl.nl

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