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workshops, Rovaniemi 12 2003, daily

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daily impression/final result

day 1 : day 2 : day 3 : day 4   final result LED-group : Biggest group : Face-the-light group

First day was used for brainstorming. After a few hours there were around 30 ideas on the table, some more realistic, some totally out of space. One idea was to build a dark room in which a heavy flash light projects a word: for a couple of minutes the person is not able to get rid of the heavy after-effect produced by the flash (browse these photos for more ideas). Through the discussions and voting three ideas were chosen for further sketching: led-lettering for clothes, huge outdoor lettering and a 'renaissance' type with a 'light' feeling (see photos 10 and 11).

   picture 9 of 12

6 comments so far: read comments , please do comment
Akiem (Underware) -- Monday, December 8 2003, 06:39 pm
Ok let's start with commenting. I would like to see more impressions of the work situation there. From rumors I heard that there is every day just 3 hours of daylight. Puhh. What's the temperature? Does the surrounding influence the work process? What about shining warming type? I am curious about the huge outdoor lettering. Can't wait to see more. What about the LED lettering? Is the design-process the same like for a pixel type? I do not think so, because you are not restricted to a pixel-grid anymore. Every LED-position can be fine-tuned. Mm by mm. No boring pixels anymore. Designing a pixel-type for screen (and only having the choice to switch the pixel on or off) is child-play compared to this. Alles geben & löluä lissa etunu missan.

Etienne (Pacifico) -- Tuesday, December 9 2003, 10:14 am
hey there in the north. i have been to rovaniemi some years ago, so i have slight idea how the athmosphere might be. good thing, that you people from underware are giving a lecture there. finish people: dive into the workshop and create something special. i will follow. outdoor lettering sounds great. do it really big!! test how fare away people can still read it. maybe it reads something different, when looking from far away? go for it! have fun. greeting from berlin. ps: if you need inspiration, maybe you want to have a look at my foto-archive about "type in public": http://www.foto.pacificografik.de/ (search for type).

donald beekman -- Tuesday, December 9 2003, 02:18 pm
just a thought: maybe LIGHT shouldn't be the focal point, but the lack of it. trying to capture the darkness. good luck with the workshop! http://www.dbxl.nl

jacques le bailly -- Tuesday, December 9 2003, 04:22 pm
Physics VS. typography ¶ light from a physical point of view, is made of particles (photons) and it is a wave at the same time. so is typography: the particles are the characters, the wave the words and texts. ¶ just an idea. good luck boys and girls. ¶ http://www.baronvonfonthausen.de/

Jon Wayman (middlebrained) -- -- Tuesday, December 9 2003, 06:27 pm
Ideas: It could be interesting to let light determine the weight of your characters. You could set up a system where your initail type face becomes part of the environment. Sunlight + a cut out of your type will create a shadow which changes due to the physics of nature. The shadow type could then become a different weight (bold, italic) Possibly assign a letter to a certain time of day, photograph its shadow or lack there of and you have a spin off of the first type treatment. Then the type represents the physics of nature. Just some ideas. Good luck. Have fun workshoppers.

Bas -- Tuesday, December 9 2003, 06:36 pm
One of the hardest things Jon, is to skip ideas. There were familiar and other good ideas which have been skipped already. Like this one: rub your body with type, using this oil which reacted to the sun. Go to the solarium, take a shower, and there is your type. Ja, ja.

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